Monday, April 4, 2016

Battlestar Galactica artifact history is coming

Many items from the cancelled second season of the show keep surfacing.  An all white Cylon, no doubt intended for a ship of light sequence that would have no doubt played in some episode of season two, as the ship of lights would return as main mysterious start line in the show.  It now understood that the unique colored Cylon suit was made for Galactica 1980, for the episode called "The Return of Starbuck."   It is in my opinion this was supposed to be the Cylon known as "Cy" named by Starbuck in the episode.  As the Cylon was the first "good" cylon he would have been accepted into the ship of lights, perhaps in dream squence by Dr. Zee (played by Robbie Rist, Oliver form 4th season Brady Bunch fame.  Off topic: was his entrance into that show their "jumping of the shark"?)