Friday, December 30, 2016

SUPERMAN IV- Miniature Superman in ice

This is a really special piece.  For one reason, it is a beautifully made piece of art.  But most importantly I acquiered it directly from my good friend and mentor Harrison Ellenshaw, who was the Visual Effects Supervisor on Superman IV The Quest for Peace.

There were two made for Superman IV.  Both were part of the Ellenshaw collection.  Unfortunately, one was lent to one of the leading Superman collectors by Harrison for a display he was doing along with the prop green energy module Superman's space ship in the late 80s.  This collector never returned these pieces to Harrison.  The other one now is my collection, along with Christopher Reeve's costume from the film.

***If you are fortunate enough to archive Superman original artifacts, you should try to follow Superman's example.  Some of these Super-collectors should be sent to phantom zone for their shenanigans.

1 comment:

Martin-El said...

Hi Gary -

Absolutely phenomenal!
As for the other Superman frozen in ice - I'm sure it currently resides in the Superman Museum in Illinois?
Anyhow I'd love to cover your pieces (and costume) more extensively on my site - so please get in touch soon as poss -